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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Idiot meter...

When a loved one... two legged or four, becomes ill or suffers an injury the best thing we can do for them is help make their life a bit easier...if at all possible, make them more comfortable.
That is what I have been doing for Rocky for the past four weeks or so. He has been on daily dose of muscle relaxers and anti inflammatory for what the vet thinks is cervical disc disease.

He has had to be kept quiet with not much physical activity, not an easy task when dealing with a three year old Golden that is surrounded by a pack of dogs ranging in ages 1- six. After two weeks on the drugs he so wanted to jump, run play.....and then of course as I would place him in the crate to take the others out for a play....that unforgettable look.... haunting eyes that are screaming out.....Don't Leave Me in Here....TAKE ME WITH YOU....I WANT TO PLAY TOOOOO!!!
Please know that I am not at all exaggerating ;-)

The New Year found me giving him his last pill....since then I have been waiting , watching....slowly allowing him his freedom. Still, not allowing the two Goldens to wrestle....their most favorite pass time.
The last couple of days I have watched Rocky pick up a toy and parade it around Bailey....enticing him to play. With such a grand invitation to play, well to see the look in Baileys eyes, just what he has waited for....I am pretty quick to put a stop to it before it gets started...a big disappointment for both of them.

Having been watching the pack for all of these weeks I was very tickled to see Gemma step in to help Bailey with his energy...and of course to have a little fun herself.
Rocky let it be known, as did I there would be none of that and pretty much Bailey has really not tried to initiate play with him.
Bailey for the most part has turned to Gemma, his toys and me for a release of energy.

After all these weeks Rocky is letting the pack know he is now ready for some action...
As he is not yet out of the woods I think he needs a couple more weeks to warm up slowly to a more active way of life. Rocky has never been the most active Golden....too many joint issues for that. He does so enjoy a good fetch fest once in a while....loves playing with Bailey...enjoys walks.

I have worked hard at keeping Rocky mentally stimulated....along with trying to help him to heal with supplementation along with his prescription medication and the occasional dose of Milk thistle. of his very favorites and of course enough hugs, kisses to spoil any dog.

As I am not currently working I of course am so hoping healing has indeed taken place for
the cost of veterinarian care is so very expensive. Having relocated finding a good veterinarian clinic is a daunting and expensive task. The thought of surgery, not to mention his size... care ....well I do not even want to think about that....time will tell.

Recently I read a comment on FB stating anyone who would spend allot of money on a dog bed is basically an idiot. I had a pretty good chuckle for Mike had gone out looking for a comfy bed for Rocky's crate. Since he would be spending a good amount of time in it....keeping him comfortable was important to us. can just throw a pillow down for their dogs....they would indeed find it comfy and cozy. Before little Niki's back surgery several years ago old comforters were used in crates, on the floor. As an individual that suffers from RA and Lupus....well I know pain and discomfort...the importance of a good mattress can indeed make all the difference.

With that thought process....and the experience of having my fair share of senior dogs in my pack that suffered from arthritis the hunt was on for a more comfy...well made dog bed that wold fit into the crate.

Mike volunteered to look around for something more suitable...he happened across a bed that would be wonderful for Rocky's crate as he explained it to me via phone conversations...I then thought of Gemma who is now six and showing a few joint issues. Her crate is kept in my studio which in cold weather does not warm up as the other rooms in the house. I could easily move the crate, however this is the space she is most comfortable in. The bed is several inches thick (keeping her away from the drafts...enough support for those achy sore joints)....well lined, easy to care for.

Two were for Rocky, one for Gemma. Bailey prefers to not have a bed in his crate...though when colder I do place a throw mat inside....Niki....hers was specially made for her....she is partially paralyzed and one must give pressure points a thought...along with those areas where there is little feeling....and of course it must be lined.

The beds....a great big hit.
I have opted to keep the fuzzy throw mats on top of the new bed...making it even more comfy...Goldens, they love a bolster to rest their head on, or hang their head off of it.
Bailey....he enjoys a little snooze in either Rocky's or Gemma's will you often find Niki in one of the crates with the new beds when unoccupied. Rocky....well his first time in the crate with his new bed there was little moving around trying to find a comfortable position...a big difference from before the bed was placed in the crate.. Yes....he likes it.

The comment was not made about me, nor directed at me in fact until now I had not made reference to the purchased beds. No offense was taken other then amusement. Most of us share our opinions based on our own life experiences...forgetting we each take a different path in life....forgetting that our experiences are easy to do here in cyberspace.

Human Nature....we each will have moments of behaving like an idiot...each of us will not always be the brightest light on the tree...Searching out and purchasing a bed for my dogs that costs a good bit because it is well made (and made in the USA), durable and easy to care for....nope not even close on the stupid/idiot meter ;-)

So....while I no doubt each of us has indeed over indulged our children, furry friends and other loved ones....wondering, just what is the most expensive item you have purchased for one of your furry friends?
I am stepping up here to announce...other then the dog beds ;-) that when Phoenix was with us...he indeed was a wonderful, fun dog.....he also happened to be very hyper and always needed something to do....I went out and purchased agility equipment....not very good with my hands I could not make it.

I purchased solid, well built equipment....a bit pricey but with yearly maintenance it would last a lifetime. The best money I ever spent...and indeed, he was well worth it ;-) as was many other dogs...all benefited from the exercise, mental stimulation as was it the best way to bond...and for Niki....a wonderful....creative way to keep her from getting bored with her rehab.
I still have that equipment and remember well working along side Phoenix and passing what I learned along to others.

Spend time with your furry friends....take the time to better learn to communicate and understand them, teach them....they are so much more intelligent then we give them credit for... while I would love to write that sharing one's life with a furry friend will cost you really depends on just what you can depends on your circumstances. There is nothing wrong with every once in a while splurging on our loved ones.

Remember...Your time....well it is the least expensive thing of all.


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