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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Making time...

Sometimes life's little accidents are a blessing. Much to my...and the dogs surprise...the timer on the sprinkler system was changed over the weekend. Therefore upon awakening this morning we found them on in the backyard. While I no doubt the Goldens would have very much enjoyed a romp in the sprinkler system first thing this morning...they were leashed for a morning walk...which, by the way...they really enjoyed as did I.

Many of us often forget that we must make the time, on a daily basis to spend time with our family...both two and four legged. I easy to come up with an excuse...worked late, tired....have things to do. yeah....I have heard them have I on occasion come up with a few of my own.

Life lesson...The life of our canine friends goes by in an instant....from puppies, adult to senior. Making the time is pretty darn easy...get up early and take your dog for a walk...or maybe, the entire family can go for an evening stroll...go ahead, you will all enjoy it!


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