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Monday, November 16, 2009

Early Morning Romp...

I am not a morning person...never was. living with RA has made that even more so for when you are very much like the tin man. Stiff, your movements are awkward...but, with four dogs....movement is a must. I call it the morning shuffle. The good thing, it does improve as the day progresses.

This morning as I was letting the dogs out in the yard they were so very excited, another day. I so admire how they embrace each and every day, this morning they had to check all scents out to see what critters visited their yard during the night. Not sure about who visited but there were several new pine cones scattered much fun can be had with pine cones...they make great chew toys (do not allow your dogs to ingest these for they can cause obstructions)...toss and shake is always fun with a pine cone, oh and parading it around in their mouths in front of the others...makes the others jealous and usually a game of chase will ensue. you can see is pretty darn fast and has a good bit of herding drive...notice the pine cone is long gone at this point, now just chasing and being chased.

I know your wondering what I am doing while all this fun is taking place...walking around with popper scooper in hand cleaning up after was then I spied this lovely spider web. I stopped and looked, no spider....the morning dew just glistening off the web strands. I thought that the light would have been so much better earlier, who knows, maybe I will get a second chance tomorrow morning!!



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